Long overdue update
Ok I realize I haven't blogged in awhile. I've been caught up in life. I think with school winding down for the kids things got crazy. Kathryn had a solo in the spring concert. She did amazing. John well he stuck out. He's very full of energy and entertaining. Chris's grade had their concert around x-mas.
Brian's dad is selling the shop!!!!! I am very pleased. The guy who will be buying them out offered dad and Brian a job. You all know Ray can't retire he has to work. Brian is contemplating going back to school. I think he should. He can go back full time for awhile. He's not sure what he wants to do yet. I don't care he'll be brilliant no matter what he does.
Work is ARRRGHHHH! My manager ended up having a breakdown while I was working with her(on a free tan day) She went into rehab and is doing better. The temp manager is evil. I can't wait until she's gone. Currently I work Saturday nights only. I love the people I work with. So I will be sticking it out until we get the new one. I did tell the district manger I was interested in the job. If I don't get it I'm ok with that. I'll be okay with asst. I'm sure I'll get that.
I am doing okay. I've had a few medical issues. I hope to get them resolved soon without surgery. I'm gonna stay postitive about it. On a bright note health wise.....I've lost 12 lbs and an 1.5 inch off my waist. I will be posting more often.