Monday, March 13, 2006

Self Image

I am so sick of the way the medias portrays women. We need to be thin perfect Barbies. Not every woman is destined to be that small. I think we need more well rounded woman in the media. Woman come in all shapes and sizes. I'm so tired of sex selling everything underwear, cars, food, appliances its ridiculous. My daughter tries to diet!!!!! This is not right. There is nothing wrong with her. She is perfect the way she is. Why do the girls for Kathryn to look up to have to drastically lose weight and gain it? It is so unhealthy. I would love to see more people in the media saying it's ok to be who you are. It is one thing to hear it from your parents another to hear it from your idol. Does anyone else feel this drives the kids to try to be "perfect" ? So instead of just being kids they're trying to tackle the pressure of adult women too.... Here is hoping I've given my daughter all the positive I can and hope it is enough .


At 3/14/2006 12:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our youngest groups are already being primed to consume, this is started at the Disney level with little kid videos and dumbed down versions of popular music with adult themes. Watch Disney or Nick and you will quickly see their agenda. The "be slim or fail" mentality is reinforced literally thousands of times a day. I think the only answer is to focus on health and achievement at a young age and limit as much as possible the propaganda that is out there in abundance. But don't worry, your little star will shine, she is talented and does have an independent attitude and perhaps can avoid absorbing the mainstream agenda.

At 3/14/2006 1:35 AM , Blogger Roo said...

I sure hope that she can. I do agree that it has started at a young age. I myself am not a huge Disney fan. I used to buy a new movie when it came out because itwas disney. I stopped doing this when Fun and Fancy Free came out. I bought it. Than I watched it and one of the messages I picked up was bears say love one another with a slap. I don't agree that you say you love someome by slapping them. Wrong message to put in a childs mind.

At 3/14/2006 12:27 PM , Blogger shortensweet said...

There are alot of wrong messages given to children.
One that I hate (that I STILL have a problem getting over)is that somehow you're not a woman if you don't have a husband and\or kids.
Then the rest of it, the barbie like body type and model face and hair, comes into play as to why I can't find someone decent.

At 3/14/2006 2:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought Lindsey Lohan used to be really hot before she lost all that weight and changed her hair color (I've noticed Hollywood seems to not only tell women they need to be thin, but also blonde. Bizzarro). When she was curvey and red-headed, she was hot. Skinny and blonde, not so hot. I wish I could have thought of something deeper and more profound to say on the subject, but that's about it.

At 3/14/2006 2:53 PM , Blogger Roo said...

Well Lindsey Lohan is one of the idols I was speaking of. I thought she was gorgeous as a redhead with curves. I'm tired of the you have to be thin to be beautiful.

At 3/14/2006 7:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually had another semi-deep thought to throw in; as a dude, I don't like how Hollywood says white men need to have hair to be sexy (I say white because you see plenty of bald black actors, and they look great (an irony considering they invented the afro)). And I say this as a honky with a full head of luxurious hair, but I shall speak up for the silent bald massess. Kudos to Bruce Willis and, particularly, Jason Statham, for showing bald white guys can rock. (Reading back over this I'm not quite sure where I was going with it, but this is where I ended up).

At 3/14/2006 8:09 PM , Blogger Roo said...

I happen to think bald men are sexy. My husband shaves his head and I find it sexy!!!

At 3/14/2006 11:29 PM , Blogger shortensweet said...

bald is sexy..but comb over is not. :)

At 3/15/2006 12:37 AM , Blogger Roo said...

NO COMB-OVER its to Mr. Morley. I'm not into that. If a guy has hair the salt and pepper look is always hot. A little gut or beer belly is sexy too.

At 3/15/2006 7:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I once had an uncle who was a wonderful man in every way. However, the unfortunate image I carry around in my head of this kind man is of the sprayed-stiff combover that, unbeknownst to him, was lifted straight up like a coxcomb one windy day as we were chatting at a family picnic. And on the same subject, toupees and fake hair gag me. My hubba hubba is bald on top, but I wouldn't trade him.

At 3/16/2006 1:13 AM , Blogger shortensweet said...

I'm with you Roo..Give me a man who has a bit of meat on his bones, and I'll eat for the rest of my life..ha ha ha...
ha ha...yeah..I'm still laughing.

At 3/16/2006 2:10 PM , Blogger Roo said...

LOL I'm laughing too. It's ok if we are because raymond noodles are good and cheap.

At 3/26/2006 7:52 PM , Blogger Lisa said...

Hi, Jessica does this too. She complains about her tummy. It drives me crazy. She doesn't actually diet or anything yet. She eats only enough to keep a bird alive as it is so I am hoping the diet thing won't come up anytime soon. It is almost impossible to keep her away from what is in the media. Just like you, I am hoping what I do will be enough.

As for bald men :) I normally don't go for bald men, however bald is MUCH better than the comb over. There has been one bald man that has caught my attention recently and that is Chris on American Idol. He is a hottie :p

On another off topic note, I have recently made my own blog. Thought I would give this thing a shot too!

Happy Blogging!

At 3/31/2006 9:30 AM , Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

There are actually many female role models who are curvy. Raven Simone is a good role model for young girls because she is curvy, funny and very fashionable. Camryn Manheim is a fabulous actor as is Kathy Bates. Now there's Mandisa on Idol. Things are swinging back around for us curvy girls. Although, I read a troubling statistic recently: an overweight woman is TWICE AS LIKELY to be single (without even a boyfriend) as a normal weight woman.

At 4/01/2006 6:11 PM , Blogger Roo said...

I personally looked up to Mae West, Marilyn Monroe, Jane Russell, and Aretha Franklin. This women were not only plus size but beautiful and strong. Not only in careers but also in life. They were forces to be reckened with. I know there are curvy women who are idols they just don't get the same media attention as the super thin twigs do.

The stats about curvy women not getting boyfriends hurts. Though I have to say the bigger women aren't as defined by who they are by who their with. At least they know or have a good idea of their worth.


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