I've been tagged
This is a game I was invited to participate in by the lovable ChillDaddy. I'll list six random things about myself, then tag six others. If you're tagged, you must do the same, and leave comments on their blogs directing them to the instructions on your blog.
1.) I was a brownie and a girl scout. I know that Jamie already knew this.
2.) I've done construction, roofing, and siding jobs in past summers. I had uncles who had their own businesses so I helped out for money.
3.) I like Barbara Striestand, not Cher. I like the good stuff and there is a man who has given me enough. LOL
4.) In college, I was going to train to sing opera.
5.) In open auditions for cheerleading( yes I wanted to be a cheerleader) I flashed classmates. I did the required flips into center court. I hadn't realized my shirt came up. I was wearing a see through bra. In the end I was a cheerleader in 6th grade. I never auditioned again.
6.) I think I have about smoked a pack of cigarettes in my life. I did it at a friends house at parties. I thought it looked cool and everyone was doing it right Jamie.
Ok now it's my turn to blog. I however don't think I know 6 people with a blog. I will just email it to some so I can get my quota in.
1.) Lisa
2.) Lauri
3.) Brian
4.) Jason
5.) Jeff
6.) Sarah