Saturday, April 08, 2006

Life's complications and cosmic jokes

Well I can now say I've been welcomed into the world of elementary school in Montague. My kids have always gotten notes when a kid in their class gets head lice. Last night Kathryn was complaining her head itched. Brian checked and low and behold. Yup she's got head lice. We stayed up until after 1AM treating everyone in the house and doing laundry. At least she got them during spring break. She won't have to miss anymore school!! They go back on Monday.

For those of you wondering about my's a job. I like some of the people I work with. I can already see where all the drama is gonna come boss. She has friends calling her all day long and visiting her at work. Her friends won't leave. Yesterday her friend stayed visiting for over two hours. The problem was I was supposed to be getting trained(it was a rainy, vacation day, and friday) I ended up figuring things out on my own. I jumped in and helped the customers out. I think I'm going to gun for her job!!! I think I can do it a lot better than she is. BTW she had to call a different store two nights in a row to get someone to work because she didn't schedule anyone to work. She was going to go out that night she couldn't work. Believe it or not I like my job.


At 4/08/2006 4:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It totally amazes me that people like your incompetent boss are working. Think of all the people who are out of work right now. They would put forth a huge effort just to secure their position, and do a great job. It is imcomprehensible to me why so many people in service-related jobs give crappy service. Do they think they are too good to wait on people? If so, why are they even there? If you are willing to work, Roo, you not only deserve her job, you should be given a raise. Good luck.

At 4/08/2006 9:33 PM , Blogger Roo said...

Well thanks for the vote of confidence. Brian says that I should keep a log. So when her boss decides to get ride of her that I don't get canned too.

I agree that she shouldn't have the job if she isn't going to do it right.

At 4/08/2006 11:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're welcome. Now may I have my free movie rentals? :) Jus' kidding! Forgot to mention that a little girl I babysat gave head lice to my little blonde-haired darling...this was many years ago. It just freaked me right out, but they weren't that hard to get rid of. Except trying to find nits in hair that was almost white.

At 4/09/2006 1:23 AM , Blogger shortensweet said...

Brian is totally right. Keep a log and CYA as much as you can. I hope that you can move up, what would be better than free rentals, plus adding a manager title to your resume? :)

At 4/09/2006 11:57 AM , Blogger Roo said...

Yeah owner and asst manager are not to impressive. LOL Thanks

At 4/09/2006 12:45 PM , Blogger Lisa said...

Hope you are debugged soon. The boys would be easy to treat with a shaved head :)

I can't beleive it about your boss! Hope it gets better!

At 4/09/2006 4:03 PM , Blogger Roo said...

I hope it does too!!!

Ishaved the boys heads. Brian debugged Kathryn and I. We have to do it again in a few days to get rid of the eggs. I'm trying to catch up on the the laundry.

At 4/09/2006 4:52 PM , Blogger shortensweet said...

does it bug you? ha ha..
sorry..bad joke
btw..the picture of my cuz and my cuz's man, on ray's blog reminds me of the days of Brian and his 'man' ha ha
it was nice to get a good laugh from the old days.
I miss Denny's

At 4/10/2006 9:18 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Be really nice to your boss, that way she'll confide in you when she starts to get in trouble, and if she says something bad about her boss, like calls her a name or says how she wishes she'd shut up or something, then you can tell on her and really screw her!

At 4/12/2006 9:35 AM , Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Yeah, make sure you keep track of what is going on so at least when the axe falls, you'll have proof you weren't involved. Glad you are liking the job! That helps A LOT!

At 4/16/2006 10:14 PM , Blogger shortensweet said...

How's the job??? The kids? Your hubby? YOU???

At 4/17/2006 4:03 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Roooo-ooooo..... Are you working a lot or something?

Tell us a story about, oh, I don't know, a stinky video store customer.

At 4/18/2006 11:43 AM , Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Or something!


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